This is my first time I create a blog. I know people use a lot this new kind of relation-ship and expression and I think it is simply fantastic.
As it is my first time I want to introduce myself. My name is Leire, I am from Barcelona. Now I live in Esplugues de Llobregat and I have worked as logistical technician for 15 years. I can say that I like my job, in fact I find it really interesting although I have to admit it is also very stressful.
Sometimes I think I have worked too long in the same bussiness because 15 years are to many years working with the same matter, I think so. For this reason I would like to begin some studies in dramatic art. Why is this ?. I don't know exactly. Maybe because my father's family has always worked at the theater and I admire them. My cousin for instance, he started acting when he was a child. I remember one day when my school organized a visit to the L'H teather and we had to see a performance as well. I think it was the first time I went to the theater and that was really spectacular for me. I was really observant, my mouth was opened, expectant when suddently the actors were between the spectators and one of them came closer me and told me: "qué fas aqui ??". That familar voice was my cousin. I felt I was the happiest kid in the world. He is currently an important man in the show bussiness.
Well, if I decide to star a new carreer I will advise to you and I will tell you about my adventure, now my thoughts are only a possible project............